WELCOME To More Than Feet

Please have a look at the services I offer and read about how the business came into fruition.  “More Than Feet” is a play on word, representing that the feet, in reflexology terms, activates the whole body.  It also represents that I offer additional services to reflexology.


“I did then what I knew how to do.  Now that I know better, I do better.” Maya Angelou.




Bec Davies Jones

About me

More Than Feet Story - testing

More Than Feet came about as a result of my own personal journey of self-discovery. In 2002, I qualified as a social worker, with plans to save the world.


“I did then what I knew how to do," Maya Angelou. 


Eight years as a qualified child and family social worker, working with abuse, trauma, abandonment issues, and supporting foster carers experiencing acute stress.


“There is a purpose for everyone we meet.  Some people come into your life to test you, some to teach you, some to use you, and some to bring out the very best in you” 


Self-discovery can come from being tested.


In 2011, we adopted two older children; and a new journey began. 


It was at this time that alternative therapies came into my life, providing me with the outlet that I needed. Verbalising life’s challenges can be difficult, especially when others do not understand; loneliness, secondary trauma and PTSD can ensure; counselling is not always helpful in such circumstances.


Mental pain can manifest in the body; "The Body Speaks our Mind,” Deborah Shapiro.


Stress is believed to cause 90% of physical ailments; trauma can build layer upon layer if not addressed, leading to dis-ease.  Prescriptions or self-medication is not always helpful, side-effects and chemical numbing of the pain amplifies and delays its processing. 


We may not be able to control our circumstances, but how we conceptualise and manage it can influence how we come out the other side.  Self-care is imperative during such times and can release held tension in the body, promoting homeostasis.


When faced with extreme life challenges, every aspect of your life is thrown in the air, what descends and comes back to us is testimony of our strength, and what needed to stay.  During adversities, we discover parts of ourselves that we did not know exist; people with skills and talents came to me at this time, and to them I am forever indebted.  Always pass on good deeds.


Make time for you.  You may feel overwhelmed, unable to prioritise an hour out of your schedule, make time, because you are the most important thing in your life and in the lives of others whom you touch.


“Perfect health is my Divine right, and I claim it now.”


It is called self-care, the first step always comes from you – I look forward to meeting you.

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How we work together


Make contact with me either via the contact form or telephone me on 07958110452, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Mobile services can be offered to people with mobility issues or experience of severe illness, each case will be considered on a case-to-case basis.

07958 110 452

Cardiff, Wales


© Copyright | MoreThanFeet 2024